Thursday, October 9, 2014

Lesson #3

In addition to reviewing the alphabet and the words I learned last week, I am leaning Pronouns. This week I have learned the following:

They,Them, Those, TheseWe, UsAnyone, AnybodyWhere
Him, He, She, HerOurMeHow
My, MineYour, Your ownOne AnotherWhat
Someone, SomebodySelf, MyselfThatWhy
Everybody, EveryoneOurselvesWhoWhen

It's impossible for me to become an expert and to know how to Sign fluently in 8 weeks so I've been pulling the most basic Signs from my resources to learn. I find that as I had a preplanned schema in my mind on how I would learn, I am definitely re-writing in order to accommodate how I learn each week. For example, the first week I assumed I could find loads of videos online that could teach me how to learn this language and indeed there are several videos, but they offer what I was looking for as far as basics. On the second week, I found some great books at the library and since then, I have re-written my schema to follow the way the book is written.

 I mentioned last week that my husband, Jeffrey, was helping me learn how to Sign. He has learned a few Signs as he works with Special Olympic athletes, but is not fluent. Having someone learn along side with me not only encourages me, but it motivates me to want to learn and remember the Signs so that I don't fall behind. Like Vygotsky's theory, I learn better in this situation with social interaction.
Here's a YouTube video I found online that shows how to Sign Who, What, When, Where and How. These were my favorite Signs I learned this week. 

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