Thursday, September 25, 2014

Sign Lessons #1

This is the first week of lessons to learning Sign Language! My goals so far are as follows:

1-Learn to sign the alphabet.
2-Learn to sign body parts (head, foot, mouth, eyes...etc)
3-Learn pronouns: she/he/it, they
4-Learn how to introduce myself

I will be using the internet (YouTube tutorials...what did we ever do before the internet?!), and the Logan library as my tools to accomplish these goals. I hope I am not getting in over my head-obviously I know that I will not become fluent in the language. I feel like these are realistic goals so far. If I catch on faster than I had thought, then I will plan more goals accordingly. 

Week 1: Learning the Alphabet
I learned A-P pretty easily before I realized that learning the alphabet in order is a lot easier than spelling words out with the alphabet. I realize that I'm going to have to really know the letters on their own instead of remembering them in a pattern. I used this YouTube video to learn the alphabet: and practiced it by starting on a different letter each time I watched it.
The letters I have the most difficulty remember are "d" and "f". I keep getting them mixed up!

I find that Encoding Specificity isn't really playing a big part in my learning so far which surprised me. I thought that I would have an easier time learning if I was in the same environment (sitting at my desk), but I have found that I am being more motivated in that I am learning the alphabet and remember each letter better in different places and situations. For example, while we were driving around doing errands, my husband would ask me to sign a certain letter and I would do so just as easily as if I was sitting at my desk re-watching the YouTube video.